CSR News

Through the CSR Program, Triguna and its subsidiaries distributed 13 Sacrificial Animals
Through the Social and Religious Sector Program, PT Triguna Internusa Pratama (TIP) together with several of its subsidiaries distributed 13 sacrif . . . .
19 July 2022
To help victims of natural disasters, TIP distributes CSR funds to Pamijahan District, Bogor Regency.
PT Triguna Internusa Pratama (TIP) in collaboration with PGPA Star Energy and several contractors who participated in the landslide disaster manage . . . .
11 July 2022
CSR Support BPBD Bogor
TIP also participated in assisting the Bogor Regency BPDP team in dealing with flash floods, landslides and strong winds in Pamijahan and Leuwilian . . . .
07 July 2022