Good Corporate Governance
Good Corporate Governance & GCG Principles
PT Triguna Internusa Pratama believes that good corporate governance will create an efficient and effective work system in managing all company resources and investments, also increases management responsibilities towards shareholders and stakeholders.
Good Corporate
1. Maximizing the value of the company by increasing the application of the principles of transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility, and fairness in the implementation of company activities.
2. Implementation of professional and independent company management.
3. The creation of decision-making by all company organs based on high moral values and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
4. Implementation of corporate social responsibility to stakeholders.
5. Improving the conducive national investment climate, especially in the energy and utilities sector.
GCG Principles
1. Transparency
Transparent in carrying out the decision-making process and openness in presenting material and relevant information about the company.
2. Accountability
Clarity of organ function, implementation and responsibilities so that the company's management is carried out effectively.
3. Responsibility
Conformity in the management of the company to the prevailing laws and regulations and sound corporate principles.
4. Independence
A situation in which the company is managed professionally without conflict of interest and influence/pressure from any party that is not in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and sound corporate principles.
5. Fairness
Justice and equality in fulfilling the rights of stakeholders that arise based on agreements and applicable laws and regulations.